Emergency Response & Communication
US Offshore has clear priorities when dealing with emergencies and incidents. First, we take care of people involved in the situation, then we take immediate action to take care of our environment and surrounding area. Finally, we take steps to protect the integrity of any assets engaged in project and ensure the integrity of the end product.
We implement out Project Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and notify all relevant authorities. Our primary public channel or all communications regarding emergencies and confirmed information is through us-ofshore.com. We will not publish, divulge, or speculate on any unconfirmed information at any time.
How We Respond to Critical Incidents
Our emergency response is organized into three levels: 1: the on-site emergency response team; 2: our project specific incident management team; 3: an incident specific Crisis Management Team (CrMT) at the USO.Group (corporate level).
We comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and permit requirements, and in addition implement industry good practice into our project planning and execution.